R&D – Industrialisation
Our research and development department is made up of PhDs, engineers and technicians and is responsible for developing and optimising the industrial processes used to manufacture new products or optimise the synthesis of existing products.
This is a key stage comprised of several phases.
The first paper assessment is done based on data provided by the client, whether that be a simple molecule, a synthesis pathway or a manufacturing process. We then provide a theoretical response on the technical feasibility as well as a target price.
During the next laboratory development and industrialisation phase, we work at a laboratory sacle (from one gram to hundred grams) or in our pilot workshop (up to several dozen kilograms). The applied technologies are similar to those found at the industrial scale, including standard technologies and technologies specifically developed by La Mesta such as flow chemistry. We verify the technical feasibility and study the different reaction parameters involved in order to optimise the process and guarantee the success of the transfer to an industrial scale for future productions.
We place primordial importance on the safety of our processes. From the beginning of laboratory trials and throughout the product’s development, we conduct safety studies on our products to guarantee the safety of our operations: DSC, RC1, powder stability (EMI, friction, etc.).
If the processes require it or if more advanced analyses are necessary, we contact specialised, international companies that we have established partnerships with.
La Mesta’s success is based on technology and chemistry. We bring to each project the dual expertise of organic chemists and chemical engineers to intensify the processes before their industrialisation, adapting if needed our equipment to the best operating conditions.
Each year, La Mesta invests more than ten per cent of its revenue in two priorities:
- Improvement to our health, safety and environment activities
- Implementation of new technologies in our production facilities. Our invest policy consists of taking advantage of new projects to acquire or develop new expertise.